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20 August 2024

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Miami to Barbados  


4 August 2024

JT community centre

Miami Florida


26 July 2024

Anshei Chesed Synagogue

Boynton beach Florida


17 July 2024

Shari Shalom Temple

Miami Florida


22 September – 4 October 2024 (12 nights) 

A cruise with Regent Seven Seas –  3-5 talks

Southampton – Newcastle – Edinburgh


17 – 27 June 2024 (10 nights)

A cruise with Oceania RVA 240617 5 talks

Rome Catania Valetta Taranto Greece Corfu Izmir Istanbul


10 June – 17 June 2024 (7 nights)

A cruise with Oceania RVA 240610   5 talks

Barcelona St Tropez Monte Carlo Ajaccio Corsica Cagliari Sardinia Palermo Sicily Amalfi,


29 May – 10 June 2024  (12 nights)

A cruise with Oceania RVA 240529  – 5 talks    

Jerusalem Barcelona Limassol Rhodes Santorini Taormina Naples Rome Florence


3 May to 14 May 2024   12 days

A cruise with Seven Seas NAV240425   

Saudi Arabia to Athens  – 5 talks


April 19th 2024   12.30

Entebbe operation

Bush Hill Park Golf Club   Bush Hill   Enfield  


21 March to 6 April 2024   17 days

A cruise with Silversea – 5 talks

India Saudi Arabia Oman Egypt Jordan Greece

May 28 2023 Entebbe operation

Zoom – Florida UJA


Brexit: Johnson arrives in Paris for talks with Macron
2 minutes ago

Boris Johnson is in Paris for Brexit talks with Emmanuel Macron, with the French president saying the UK’s vote to quit the EU must be respected.

But he added that the Ireland-Northern Ireland backstop plan was “indispensable” to preserving political stability and of the single market.

The backstop, opposed by Mr Johnson, aims to prevent a hard border on the island of Ireland after Brexit

Mr Johnson said that with “energy and creativity we can find a way forward”.

On Wednesday German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the onus was on the UK to find a workable plan.

Why is the Irish border blocking Brexit?
And what is the backstop?
What did we learn from Boris Johnson’s letter to the EU?
UK Prime Minister Mr Johnson has said the backstop must be ditched if a no-deal exit from the EU is to be avoided.

If implemented, the backstop would see Northern Ireland staying aligned to some rules of the EU single market, should the UK and the EU not agree a trade deal after Brexit.

It would also see the UK stay in a single customs territory with the EU, and align with current and future EU rules on competition and state aid.

These arrangements would apply until both the EU and UK agreed they were no longer necessary. Brexit supporters fear this could leave the UK tied to the EU indefinitely.

The EU has repeatedly said the withdrawal deal negotiated by former PM Theresa May, which includes the backstop, cannot be renegotiated.

However, it has previously said it would be willing to “improve” the political declaration – the document that sets out the UK’s future relationship with the EU.

What is the withdrawal agreement?
Brexit: A really simple guide
Mr Macron said he was “very much confident” that the UK and EU would be able to find a solution within 30 days – a timetable suggested by Mrs Merkel – “if there is a good will on both sides”.

Israelis and Palestinians sign major water deal

Israelis and Palestinians sign major water deal

The deal was negotiated by Jason Greenblatt, the US envoy to the region, who said he welcomed the agreement

The Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority have signed an agreement over water, with the US broker of the deal describing it as “a harbinger of things to come”.

The deal, which was announced at a press conference this morning, will see the sale of 33 million cubic metres of water to the Palestinian Authority from Israeli desalination plants, which are among the most advanced in the world. Palestinians in both the West Bank and Gaza will receive water from the deal.

The parties also signed an agreement regarding a proposed 137 mile pipeline between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea, in an effort to replenish the latter body of water, which has suffered severe shrinkage in recent years.

In a rare show of political agreement, the deal was praised by representatives of the Israeli government, the Palestinian Water Authority and the Yesha Council, an umbrella group of municipal councils for Jewish West Bank settlements.

The deal was negotiated by Jason Greenblatt, the US envoy to the region, who said he welcomed the agreement, noting that earlier in the week the Israelis and Palestinians had joined together for the launch of a new electrical sub-station in the West Bank city of Jenin.

“This agreement is an example of the parties working together to make a mutual beneficial deal,” he said.

“I am proud of the role the US and international partners have played in helping the partners reach this deal, and I hope it is a harbinger of things to come”.

Water distribution has been one of the most contentious elements of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. West Bank residents can only carry out water-related projects, such as  extraction from the aquifers, with the permission of the Israeli-Palestinian Joint Water Committee, which was established under Article 40 of the 1995 Oslo Accords. However, Israel suspended its involvement in the committee for six years, a hiatus that was only resolved in January 2017. During that time, many Palestinian water projects remained on hold.

Palestinians also need permits from the Israeli Civil Administration before embarking on any water works in Area C of the West Bank, a measure that does not apply to the Israelis.

Israel releases Nazi Eichmann’s execution plea papers

Israel releases Nazi Eichmann’s execution plea papers

Adolf Eichmann on trial in Jerusalem in 1961

Adolf Eichmann, an architect of the Nazi Holocaust, protested his innocence in a final plea against his death sentence, newly released papers show.

Eichmann told Israel’s president that he had only followed orders and was not responsible for “the unspeakable horrors” carried out against Jews.

Six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis during World War Two.

Israel released the papers on Holocaust Remembrance Day. Eichmann was convicted in Jerusalem and hanged in 1962.

Marking the publication of the hand-written documents, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin said: “Not a moment of kindness was given to those who suffered Eichmann’s evil – for them this evil was never banal, it was painful, it was palpable.

Adolf Eichmann's hand-written, signed plea for clemencyImage copyrightIsraeli President’s Office
Image captionAdolf Eichmann hand-wrote and signed his plea for clemency

“He murdered whole families and desecrated a nation. Evil had a face, a voice. And the judgement against this evil was just.”

The papers reveal that Eichmann believed the Israeli judges who oversaw his trial had “made a fundamental mistake in that they are not able to empathise with the time and situation in which I found myself during the war years”.

He attempted to absolve himself of blame, telling Israel’s then-President Yitzhak Ben-Zvi: “It is not true… that I myself was a persecutor in the pursuit of the Jews… but only ever acted ‘by order of’.”

Eichmann, who played a key role in the 1942 Wannsee Conference at which the Nazis’ annihilation of European Jewry was planned, spoke in his appeal of the “unspeakable horrors which I witnessed”.

“I detest as the greatest of crimes the horrors which were perpetrated against the Jews and think it right that the initiators of these terrible deeds will stand trial before the law now and in the future,” he wrote.

However, he added: “I was not a responsible leader, and as such do not feel myself guilty.”

Eichmann was captured by Israeli intelligence agents in 1960 in Argentina, where he was living as a fugitive, and smuggled to Israel, which put him on trial.

His plea for clemency was rejected and he was hanged in Ramle prison.

Gaza: Hamas militants die in tunnel collapse

Palestinian militant group Hamas says seven of its fighters have died after an attack tunnel they were working on in north-east Gaza collapsed. The tunnel near the Israeli border collapsed after heavy rain, it said. Palestinian militants have used tunnels on Gaza’s borders with Israel and Egypt to launch attacks on Israel, transport weapons or smuggle goods. Israel destroyed dozens of tunnels during the 2014 Gaza conflict, but Hamas has been rebuilding them.

Meanwhile, tunnels on the Egyptian border have been used to smuggle weapons into Gaza, as well as civilian goods. The tunnels have played a vital role in the economy of Gaza, which has been under a blockade imposed by Israel and Egypt in 2007.

File photo: Overview of a tunnel built underground by Hamas militants leading from the Gaza Strip into Southern Israel, seen on August 4, 2014 near the Israeli Gaza border, Israel.

The Egyptian military began flooding tunnels on its borders late last year, and says it has eliminated about 90% of them. Israel occupied Gaza in the 1967 Middle East war and pulled its troops and settlers out in 2005. Israel considered this the end of the occupation, but it still exercises control over most of Gaza’s borders, waters and airspace. Egypt controls Gaza’s southern border.

22 October   2014 20.00  


Ealing City Learning Centre


24 October   2014     19.30


Learning Centre Greenwich


26 October   2014     20.00  


Enfield Central City Learning


28 October   2014     19.30


Camden City Learning Centre


12 November 2014       20.00  


Wood City Learning Centre