
Lecturer * Author


Elon Perry is a popular lecturer on the 4,000 years of the history and politics of the Middle East, including the Israeli/Arab/Palestinian conflict. In this topic Elon presents a unique perspective as a commando in the Israeli army, taking part in numerous operations in pursuing terrorists in Gaza, the West Bank, and in Lebanon.

As a Middle East expert, and Military analyst, Elon took part in several documentaries, and was interviewed by numerous international media outlets, Due to his extensive experience as a military analyst, Elon is invited to speak at many events, on panels, and for media channels to analyze conflicts and wars, notably in the Middle East.

In 2021 Elon was commissioned to write 2 books: ‘Golani Commando, Special Operation in the IDF’ was published in October 2021. His second book ‘Children in War’ was published in April 2024 by Pen & Sword Publishing.

Elon is a British citizen and lives in London.

Education: Master’s Degree in Political Science

Elon Perry during his service in a commando unit of the I.D.F


We were all absolutely enthralled by Elon’s talk and just regret that we were constricted for time. Would that there were more Elon Perrys in this world…”  Carrol Nathanson, London

“Elon is a very intelligent lecturer with an amazing memory who can cover 100 years of historical facts and events. His lectures are attracting so many people that we have had to get in more chairs.”  Professor A.Klieman

“Amazing! Both an erudite and charismatic speaker, the audience hanging on to every word. The animated question time following the talk showed the keenness of the audience to ask many searching questions, testament to his qualities as a talented speaker.”  Susan WIZO 


Israel-Gaza War – Analysis by a commando who fought in Gaza

The bloodiest ever Gaza war triggered by Hamas did not in fact start on 7 October 2023, the day Hamas launched a brutal attack on Israeli communities, murdering 1,140 civilians. It started 17 years earlier, in 2006, when Hamas took over governing Gaza.

As a commando who took part in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including bold operations in the alleyways of Gaza, I will analyze the fighting from a military operational point of view, particularly on the issue of ground operations. As a journalist who covered the Israeli-Palestinian conflict , I will analyze the war from the historical-political point of view.


Operation Entebbe

Operation Entebbe was a successful counter-terrorist hostage rescue mission carried out by commandos of the Israel Army at Entebbe Airport in Uganda. I will describe the renowned Entebbe operation in full detail from the planning and training stages, to the assault on the terminal and the release of the hostages in Uganda. I will also share details that remained secret and banned from publication for 30 years and have now been allowed to be disclosed to the public.

                        The morning after returning to base   


Fauda – The undercover unit

The secret and dangerous activities of the undercover daredevils as seen in the popular TV series “Fauda”.

‘Mista’arvim’ are trained commandos who operate undercover by posing as Arabs, both in their appearance and by speaking fluent Arabic. They assimilate among the local Arab population to capture wanted terrorists, gather information and help other combat units when fighting. They dress as Arabs, are fully conversant with the customs and etiquette of Arab society and are able to recite Muslim prayers by heart. I will explain their methods of warfare and share examples of bold operations


The Holy Land and wars over it – Jesus and Jerusalem

The story of a tiny piece of land that is sacred for Jews, Muslims, and Christians. The bloodshed and many wars that took place over it spanning the past 4,000 years. Alexander the Great from the Kingdom of Persia (332 BC), The Romans, The Templars, Napoleon. The Kingdom of Solomon and David. The journey of the Exodus. The birth of Jesus Christ and the naissance of Christianity. The history of Jerusalem spans seven thousand years of settlement, dating back to around 5,000 BCE. Archaeological excavations have revealed findings that indicate human activity and settlement during this period. Jerusalem has been sacred to Judaism for approximately 5,000 years and subsequently to Christianity and to Islam. Jerusalem is generally considered the cradle of Christianity for its significance in the life of Jesus. Muslims believe that Muhammad was miraculously transported one night from the Great Mosque of Mecca to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Due to being the holiest city in the world, Jerusalem was the focus of wars between nations and empires that attempted to control it, as well as the whole of Holy Land.

The Israeli/Palestinian wars

The long bloody Israeli-Palestinian conflict is told firsthand by someone who was a commando combatant, taking part in hundreds of daring counter terror operations in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon. The audience will get a comprehensive picture of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from a primary source about the battles, events, bloody clashes, and confrontations that are continuing to this day.

I also describe operations and raids on well-fortified terrorist strongholds, to which we were sent despite their slim chances of succeeding, and where the intolerable conditions gave justifiable feelings of fear and uncertainty. Sometimes these involved face-to-face and short-range combat, where the individual’s qualities and skills were the key to success.


The Jews, Israel and its socio-political history

The Jews suffered from pogroms and the Holocaust, and that was the trigger for establishing the Jewish state in 1948. I will explore all stages rom Theodore Herzl who envisioned and planned the Jewish state to David Ben Gurion who implemented it; the Balfour Declaration; The pogroms and persecution against the Jews throughout 2,000 years of the diaspora; the Jewish underground combat units fighting the British prior to the establishment of the State. Also in this lecture, I will talk about the 100-year of the Israeli/Arab/Palestinian conflict, and as a former combat soldier in an elite commando unit of the Israel Defence Force, I will relate stories from the battlefield as they actually happened.

History of Sephardi Jews

An exploration of the history of Sephardic Jews from north African roots, through to mediaeval Spain and Portugal. How and when did the split in the Jews into Ashkenazim and Sephardi come about? Their contribution to society in business, art, commerce, politics. The conflict and social divisions between the Sephardi and Ashkenazi communities. The humiliating discrimination experienced by Sephardic Jews from the Ashkenazim who ran the young Jewish state. I will also talk about the difficulties of the first mega Aliya (Immigration to Israel) project.


The Crusades

Among most of the Europe and Mediterranean countries, the Crusaders were regarded as immoral, bloody and savage. Their goal was to spread Christianity worldwide by the sword and liberate the Holy Land from Islamic rule, led by the Muslim leader Saladin. This talk explores a series of religious wars initiated, supported, and sometimes directed by the Latin Church in the medieval period. Beginning with the First Crusade which resulted in the recovery of Jerusalem in 1099, dozens of Crusades were fought, providing a focal point of European history for centuries.

The ruthless and widespread massacres of Muslims, Jews and other non-Christians, resulted in a bitter resentment that persisted for many years. The Crusade’s kingdom over Jerusalem lasted nearly two hundred years, from 1099 until 1291 when its last remaining possession, Acre, was destroyed by the Mamluks who conquered the Holy Land from the Crusaders in 1291. We will explore what happened in the Middle East from the Rise of Islam to the founding of the Seljuk Empire and explain why that Empire failed to stop the invasion of the First Crusades and discuss the foundations of the Four Crusader Kingdoms of Edessa, Antioch, Tripoli, and Jerusalem.

One Canal and Three Wars


In this lecture I will talk about the importance of the Suez Canal. When was the Suez Canal dug and for what purpose? How important was it for the Mediterranean region, and whose interests did it serve? I will talk about the wars between Egypt – Britain – France – Israel that took place over it when the Egyptian President Nasser closed the canal and prevented freedom of navigation between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea and the Gulf.  I will describe one special heroic operation that had never been undertaken before. This operation, conducted by the Israeli general Ariel Sharon, became legendary and it is still taught in many military academies around the world. Towards the end I will describe Israel’s peace with Egypt and the assassination of Egyptian President Sadat, the first Arab leader to have signed a peace agreement with Israel.

The Great Empires that ruled the Holy Land

I will talk about Persians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Mamluks, Ottomans, and the British Empire. The bloodshed and many wars that took place over it for the past 4,000 years. The benefits and usefulness in controlling the Holy Land during the 1917-1948 Mandate that was granted to the British by the League of Nations. A mandate that promised to support and assist the Jewish people and ensure the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in the Land of Israel. The Holy Land and Jesus. The story of a tiny piece of land that is sacred for Jews, Muslims, and Christians – three religions living in harmony under Israeli rule.  The Kingdom of Solomon and David. The story of the Exodus from Egypt. The birth of Jesus Christ and the birth of Christianity. How this young Jew from Nazareth became the greatest and most famous leader in history. His journey through the Holy Land from Nazareth through Bethlehem to Jerusalem where he was captured by the Romans and crucified.